Ray Bricknell, Managing Director of Behind Every Cloud, the award-winning trusted advisor in cloud technology services is pleased to announce that Trevor Hunt is joining the firm to lead the CTO Advisory practice.
Ray commented “Trevor has enjoyed more than 30 years in senior technology and operations leadership roles with top tier global financial services organisations. He brings a wealth of experience and knowledge of how to succeed as a CIO or CTO, together with the challenges in delivering change in a fast moving global environment. The establishing of a CTO Advisory capability underlines one of our key messages – that we are on the CTO’s side of the table.”
Trevor said “We are in the midst of a critical time in the technology industry’s evolution. There is a huge pivot underway from Capex funded data centres & networks to Opex sourced cloud services, both public and private. Furthermore, enhanced cyber security & data protection controls are vital to your firm’s success. This requires new skills and understanding, new expertise, and important choices on which solution providers match your business’s requirements. Behind Every Cloud are leading the industry in providing the choices you need to make informed, timely decisions.”
For more information please contact info@behindeverycloud.co.uk.